Our Maine Blog

Far East Camping
August 8, 2010, 11:55 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

A few weekends ago, we went on our first Maine camping trip to Cobscook Bay State Park.  The campground is way “Down East” (or…”Up North” to us Michiganders) along the coast – about 3-1/2 hours from our house.  Had a great little view of the bay from our site.   

1st Maine Camping Trip

Ready for the Weekend


Nice View


Getting Campfire Going

Good Book - Linda Greenlaw's "Seaworthy"

The next morning, we got up to go exploring.  It was blazing hot that day, but we managed to make it up for this great view.

Top of the Hill

Kramer was so tired after all the hiking and heat, he didn’t even want to stand to drink his water.  We were feeling about the same.

Cool Drink

Cobscook is near the Easternmost point in the U.S. – West Quoddy Head Light, Lubec, Maine.  This was a beautiful spot with one of the best coastal hikes we’ve done yet. 

West Quoddy Head Light

As East As You Can Go...

West Quoddy Light

We didn’t get up in time to see the sunrise.  But, as good luck would have it, we didn’t miss much that day.  The fog was so thick, we wouldn’t have seen it anyway.  But, all the fog made for a beautiful, mystic hike along the rocky shoreline. 

Foggy View

Loved That View

Fogged In

We All Loved This Hike

Loves A Good Hike

We made it through the whole weekend without any rain.  Can you believe it, Sherri? haha.  Lucky this trip, I guess!  As always, by the third day, we were ready to get home to a shower and a real bed.  So, we headed home early Sunday and had plenty of time to relax at home that night.  Great weekend!

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